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1. Open the Librarian by clicking on the "Librarian" button (1).

Using Librarian in PlugSE™

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There are PRESET BANK (2) and LIBRARY (3).

Let's talk first about the PRESET BANK.

By default the PRESET BANK contains all Programs from Bank 1. The same Programs are initially loaded into DAW's VST FX Preset Bank (4). Reassigning the Programs in the FX Preset Bank has no effect on the synthesizer's Banks or Programs, so you can freely edit the FX Preset Bank.

This applies to any Soundtower PlugSE™ that has Librarian

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To add another Program to the "PRESET BANK" do the following:

Select the Program you want to add (5) - "LD Thick AS-1" in this example.

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This Program is selected (6) and applied to the synth as well, so you can audit it.

Click on (select) a slot in the PRESET BANK to insert this new Program (7) - slot 4 in this example.

Click on "SET CURRENT" button (8)

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and you will be presented with another screen where you can rename the Program and save it in the PRESET BANK.

In this example the Program "LD Thick AS-1" was renamed to "LD Thick AS-1 bis" (9).

Click on the "OK" button (10) to save the renamed Program "LD Thick AS-1 bis" into slot 4 of the PRESET BANK.

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Click on "Save Bank" (11) to save the newly modified Program Bank and follow the prompts to select location and name for the saved bank. I Selected /Documents/Toraiz/My Bank 1.fxb

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You can also save the newly modified bank by using the SAVE button (12) and selecting "Save Preset Bank As" (13).

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When you now close Live and re-open this Project or start a new project (New Live Set), you will notice that the edited/renamed Program "LD Thick AS-1 bis" is already in the FX Preset Bank in Live (14) and in the Library (15).

Although if you load a different existing (saved) Live Project, this list be reverted to what was saved in that Project.

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To make a Preset the current Preset, click on its name in the FX Preset Bank (14) or select it in the Librarian (15) and use the "Apply" button (16) and you will see its name appearing in the PlugSE's display (17).

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Please note that when you select a Preset in the Preset Bank (18) and the apply it (19), that Preset becomes current in the PlugSE (20) but the Preset in Live's FX Preset Bank (21) remains unchanged.

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You need to make the selection in Live's FX Preset Banks (22) to change it there (23).

This is because a single track may have assigned different presets to different sections of that track and changing the Preset from the plugin would defy that feature.

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Click the LIBRARY button (3) - see Pic 1. and you will be presented with a different screen.

Click on the LOAD button (24) and you have a choice of what to load to the LIBRARY.

- "From Library File" means from a previously saved Library. This Library is compatible with the Libraries created in the standalone Sound Editor, so you can load those as well.

- "From Program Bank File" means from a previously saved Bank file.

- "Load From Bank 1...2...3...4" means from the Banks that are presently available in the PlugSE.

Since we don't have any previously saved Bank files, we will use the "Load From Bank 1" option (25).

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This loaded into the Library all the Presets from Bank 1 and assigned them into their respective categories. We have no Presets in KEYS and Organs categories, we have one in STRINGS (26), eight in SOFT LEAD, seven in BRIGHT LEAD, seventeen in RES LEAD, etc. The total number of Presets in this Library is ninety nine under ALL (27).

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Clicking on the one of the Category buttons like SOUND FX (28) shows all seven Presets that have the Sound FX category assigned (29).

You can save this Library to the computer for further use and create another Library, etc.

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When you load another Bank, in this case Bank 2, you have a choice of appending Presets from Bank 2 to this current Library (30) or replacing them with the Presets from Bank 2 (31).

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We chose to append them and you can see as the numbers of Presets in various categories increased and the total number of them is 198.

Again, you can save this Library for future use.

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